Dogwood Anthracnose

Trees are an American favorite, often developed in home landscapes for his or her fantastic foliage and spring blossoms that are quite. Dogwood anthracnose is a possibly devastating fungal disease that mainly impacts the mountain dogwood trees (Cornus nuttallii) developing in the Pacific North-West as well as the flowering dogwoods (Cornus florida) in the eastern United States. Although this plant illness is fairly new, it’s previously inflicted considerable damage, killing off whole populations in western and eastern forests.


The Discula destructiva fungus causes Dogwood anthracnose. This pathogen thrives in cool places that receive autumn rains or spring. The fungi need water infect and to disperse, therefore dogwoods are especially at risk of infection.

Leaf Signs

Anthracnose causes different leaf signs, including blotch blight and leafspot. While blotch causes lifeless patches to create over the leaf margins or suggestions causes leaves to wither. Leafspots are places scattered from the other side of the blade or discolored. These signs usually show up in the spring when the leaves open. Bracts may display signs of blight or produce reddish purple to brown places when they flower throughout rains. Foliar symptoms usually develop on the lower branches and then transfer their way.

Branch Signs

Twig dieback happens when a anthracnose infection moves to the stems from leaves that are impacted. Twig dieback encourages the development of branches, or clusters of sprouts and shoots that appear on trunks or main branches. Branches are contaminated as well as the anthracnose rapidly spreads to main branches and the tree-trunk. The illness then types cankers, or places that are lifeless, in inner bark, or the bark and cambium, of the tree. External indicators of inner cankers contain bark that is split up or distended. Cankers usually girdle trunks and branches, ultimately killing your whole tree.

Cultural Administration

Trees that are healthy can withstand infections that are anthracnose. Maintain the health and vigor of your trees by making certain they get enough water. Apply three to four inches of mulch throughout the tree-trunk to help the soil retain moisture. Avoid watering techniques that wet the leaves of your tree and using over-head irrigation techniques escalates the the danger of anthracnose infections. Space your trees far enough aside to advertise improve sunlight and sufficient air circulation — both which assist the leaves dry rapidly. Prune out any dying or lifeless branches in the cold temperatures to a void overwintering anthracnose pathogens.

Chemical Controls

Use fungicides as a last re sort and only along with cultural get a grip on methods. Although a couple of pesticides help avoid dogwood anthracnose, they don’t reliably handle the infections. Purdue University indicates managing extreme infections with fungicides that contain propiconazole, myclobutanil or chlorothalonil. Follow the guidelines on the label regarding program dosage, techniques and security pre-Cautions.

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